Lovebirds require more than just seed. A pelleted diet, supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, boiled eggs, cereals, pasta, rice, and lentils will produce a heathly, beautifully feathered Lovebird. Many Lovebird breeders also feed a seed-based diet, with most of the other foods as supplements. A seed-based diet must consist of a mixture of seeds and grains. Canary seed, millet, rice, oats, safflower and a small amount of sunflower are the most popular parts of these seed mixes. Corn is often a big hit with Lovebirds, as is sprouted seed. Lovebirds also tend to drink a lot of water, and must have fresh water available at all times.
The minimum cage size for a single pair of Lovebirds is 30 X 30 X 18. As with all birds, the bigger the cage the better. Provide your Lovebirds with the biggest cage that you can afford, and have space for. Bar spacing is also important, and should be no more than 3/4 inch.
Lovebirds do have the ability to talk, but very few do. They also do not sing. Lovebirds have a variety of peeps, cheeps, chirps, and squeaks. An attentive Lovebird-parent will learn what many of these sounds mean to their birds. Lovebirds can have very shrill voices however, and should not be expected to be quiet at all times.
Lovebirds can be trained to do little tricks. However, it is much more likely that they will train you. You will quickly learn their likes and dislikes, what they want and when they want it, and you will love every minute of it.